Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mega Sinetron Baru


Monday, September 14, 2009

Memotivasi Mahasiswa Saya Untuk Membuat Blog

Hari ini, di mata kuliah Pengantar Aplikasi Komputer, saya menyampaikan materi tentang Blog. Tujuannya bukan mengajarkan.. melainkan memotivasi para mahasiswa supaya membuat blog, supaya mereka terlatih menulis. Menulisnya bisa tentang apa saja.
Harapan saya sih, sebagian dari mereka (tidak perlu semuanya) tertarik untuk memulai mempublikasikan tulisannya di blog mereka masing-masing, karena membuat blog itu sebenarnya tidak sulit. Dikatakan tidak sulit, karena memang tidak sulit. Yang mungkin agak sulit adalah meluangkan waktu untuk menuangkan tulisannya. Idenya sendiri susah-susah gampang. Gampang, karena ide bisa selalu muncul kapan pun dan pada situasi apa pun. Kendala terbesarnya biasanya mood.

So my student.. Happy blogging!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cara Install Mac OS X

Tulisan ini dibuat krn ada kawan yang menanyakan bagaimana caranya install Mac OS X. Cara instalasi Mac OS X relatif mudah. Begini tahap-tahapnya:

  • Masukkan CD/DVD installernya

  • Restart Macnya, begitu ada bunyi "jreeeenggg", tekan & tahan tombol keyboard C sampai terdengar optical drivenya aktif membaca CD/DVDnya

  • Selanjutnya sih tinggak ikutin aja dialog yg muncul di layar. Paling cuma tekan tombol Next & Next lagi

  • Kecuali kalau install ulang atau upgrade ke Mac OS X yg lebih tinggi versinya. Pada tahap awal setelah pemilihan bahasa selama proses installasi, pilih Customize, lalu di dialog berikutnya pilih Archive & Install.

    Hal ini membuat proses installasi hanya akan menginstall file-file sistem Mac OS X saja dg membackup yg lama, tanpa menyentuh aplikasi-aplikasi yg sdh terinstall (folder /Applications) dan file-file dokumen kita (folder /Users/nama user. Keuntungannya sdh tentu kita tidak perlu install ulang aplikasi-aplikasi yang sudah terinstall, tidak perlu membackup file-file dokumen kita ke storage external dulu (CD/DVD/hard disk external).

    Keren kan? Windows mana bisa begini. He he he..

    Tuesday, June 09, 2009

    The Decision for My PowerBook 12": Downgrade to Mac OS X Tiger

    Last night I followed Arstechnica's live report for Apple's WWDC 2009 Keynote via Twitter. The event started on 00.00 WIB GMT +7. Right after the event, Apple released a press release regarding the upcoming next updates on Mac OS X 10.6: Snow Leopard. The article confirms that Snow Leopard only support Intel based Macs.

    I had hoped that Snow Leopard is going to support PPC based Macs. More than that, with Apple's promise to make Snow Leopard lighter and speedier, I really hope it would have more backward compatibility with older Macs, older than the 1st generation PowerBook 12" 867MHz, the minimum system requirement for Leopard.

    But alas, Apple has decided not to support PPC based Macs anymore. Even though I love QuickLook, Stacks, Guest User, and easy network sharing features in Leopard, my PowerBook's performance running Leopard feels much more slower compare to Tiger.

    So, this fact justify my decission. I'll downgrade to Tiger this weekend. Backup my applications and documents to my external 80GB Lacie's hard drive, and do a clean Tiger's installation.

    So, bye bye QuickLook. Bye bye Stacks. Bye bye Guest User account. Bye bye easy network sharing. I'm gonna miss you all, at least until I can afford a new MacBook (in a near future I hope. Amen).

    Monday, June 08, 2009

    Apple's WWDC 2009 live news update from IRC and Tweeter

    If you would like to get hot news tonight from Apple's WWDC 2009 at San Francisco, you could follow it trough IRC channel or Tweeter. I found Arstechnica links to follow:

  • IRC: irc://

  • Tweeter: @arswwdc (just follow arswwdc user from Tweeter on web or your Tweeter's desktop client)

  • san_francisco.jpgjakarta.jpg

    The event will start at California, June 8, 2009, atapproximately at 10:00 a.m PDT. Calculating 14 hours time difference between San Francisco and Jakarta, so it's on June 9, 2009, about 00.00 West Indonesian Time (WIB).

    Tuesday, April 21, 2009

    Trace Study Lulusan Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan, FE UNPAD

    Yth. Bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu, dan rekan-rekan semua. Jurusan IESP FE
    UNPAD sedang melaksanakan trace study para lulusannya. Kuesioner
    dibuat untuk diisi oleh para perusahaan yang memperkerjakan lulusan
    Mohon disebarkan seluas-luasnya. Jurusan sangat mengharapkan kuesioner
    ini cukup mendapat respon yang luas. Waktu pengisiannya 2 minggu.

    Kuesionernya bisa diakses di

    Atas bantuannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.


    Sunday, March 01, 2009

    Minefield PPC 7450 Optimized Test Result

    On my previous post I told you my quest in searching for optimized web browser for my PowerBook 12" 867MHz. I've just try Minefield 3.2a1. It launches a lot faster than Firefox. But.. several add-ons that are vital to me are not compatible with it. Add-ons that are not compatible:

  • Adblock and it's companion: Adblock Filterset.G Updater --> enable Firefox to block images, frames, which is mostly ads you don't want to see that will slowdown Firefox's page rendering

  • Back to Top --> let you quickly go to top of a web page when you're somewhere in the middle or in the end of a web page

  • Boost for Facebook --> enhances Facebook browsing

  • BugMeNot --> bypass compulsory web registration, mostly news sites

  • CLEO --> with FEBE add-on, let you to create multiple add-on in one package

  • Custom Download Manager --> let you to open Firefox download process in a tab

  • CuteMenus2 --> revamp Firefox's menu (Thunderbird too), into more beautiful appearance

  • DownThemAll --> download manager for Firefox

  • Facebook Toolbar --> add easier access to Facebook's features

  • FEBE --> let you to backup Firefox's data

  • FfChrome --> add more support for modern webs that utilized advanced web programming

  • Firefox PDF Plugin for Mac OS X --> enable Firefox to display PDF document within the browser without the need of Adobe Acrobat browser plugin installation

  • Google Gears --> same as FfChrome

  • Greasemonkey --> add support for scripts provided by, again, to enhance your browsing experience

  • Operator --> shortened and groups Firefox's contextual menu items

  • PDF Download --> allows you to choose what to do with PDF document: download it, view it with external viewer, or view it as html

  • QuickRestart --> let you to quick restart Firefox

  • Stealther --> let you surf the web without leaving a trace in Firefox

  • Tab Mix Plus --> adds customization to Firefox's tabs behavior

  • Torrent Finder Toolbar --> let you find torrent easier

  • Without those add-ons, using Mindfield is meaningless. Perhaps I should go back to OmniWeb, a web browser dedicated for Mac user, which I haven't used for a long time. I stop using it when Safari 1.0 debuted on June 23, 2003 as separate download initially and included with Mac OS X 10.3 a.k.a Panther.

    I think, recent announcement from OmniGroup, a company who creates OmniWeb, is pushing me to run OmniWeb again as my second web browser.

    Or.. there is another alternative: Flock. Flock is a variant of Firefox which concentrates in social network browsing experience.

    What do you think? Which web browser is more suited with my needs?

    Firefox build optimized for my PowerBook 12" 867 MHz

    firefox.gifI haven't used Firefox for so long. As far I remember, last time I used it was when I used a hackintosh on September 2008 (it's a ordinary PC, installed with a hacked version of Mac OS X 10.5.5). I love Firefox because of it's extensible. You could add various features & capabilities to it which is basically it can't. By installing/adding add-ons to it, Firefox could have more features and capabilities. For instance, what if you'd like to download a video you like from YouTube? You could utilize an add-on called Video DownloadHelper. What if you'd like to read news from various websites/sources that support RSS/Atom? You could utilize Sage or Wizz RSS News Reader to make Firefox behave more beautifully handling those news feeds, even though Firefox 3 has better capability handling RSS. What if you want to download files from links that appear in a web page and you want a resume download capability? Let FlashGot or DownThemAll come to the rescue. You could do many things inside Firefox without have to open & run separate application. That's great right?

    Until several days since I have to use again Firefox on my PowerBook 12" 867 GHz, with 1.12 GB RAM. I have to admit that those luxuries capabilities of Firefox with its add-ons is a waste. I can't stand with its slowness in responding my basic browsing activity. It's far too slow compare to Safari 3 which I usually use (fyi, there is Safari 4 beta available, both for Mac & Windows). Believe me, I've tried Camino, but it's suffering the same problem with Firefox 3. Why I don't use Safari instead? Well, because my wife is opening her Facebook, and at the same time I want to open my Facebook too. Don't ask me to buy another Mac, this solution is definitely cheaper.

    safari.gifWhy Firefox 3 is slower compare to Safari 3? Well it's because Mozilla's team build a generalized version of Firefox 3. Apparently, different CPU requires different way of building such an application to. Fyi, there's different CPUs Apple had used before they use Intel's CPU: G3, G4 7400, G4 7450, and G5. They all RISC's CPU types.

    Is there an optimized Firefox 3 for my PowerBook? After googling a while, I finally found a great link: Firefox Mac Community Builds. This page lists all Firefox's builds for G3 to Intel Mac based systems. For you who would like to try an optimized version for Intel machine beside Firefox Mac Community Builds' offering, you could try Neil Lee's build.
    Mind one thing, optimized Firefox doesn't named Firefox. Instead, they are named Minefield, considering Firefox's trademark.minefield.gif

    And for you who'd like to try an optimized version for Camino, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey, you could find it here.

    I'm still waiting for Google Chrome release for Mac OS X. It's still the fastest browser base on recent benchmark compare to Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer.

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